We support companies on their way to sustainable supply chain management and the implementation of due diligence: in a grounded yet pragmatic manner. Our motto: just get started!

Understanding the Need for Action
We guide companies to comply with due diligence obligations, to protect human rights and safeguard the environment along the entire value chain.
Getting an Overview
Together, we analyse the current state of your value chain and supply chain management and determine where you want to go.
Performing Risk Analysis
We analyse human rights and environmental risks at your own locations and in the supply chain - systematically and using our comprehensive risk database.
Formulating a Basic Declaration
We jointly define principles for anchoring human rights and environmental due diligence in your company.
Strategy Development
We develop the framework for action and define strategic and operational goals with you – along legal requirements from the Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (LkSG) and beyond.
Anchoring in the Company
We assist you in defining responsibilities within the company. We lay the foundation for the establishment of central processes for risk management as well as documentation and reporting.
Creating an Action Plan
Based on the results of the risk analysis, you determine the first steps and subsequent action plan.

Shaping Transformation
We empower companies to implement preventive and remedial measures – along the defined action plan. The measures fall into three categories:
Internal Knowledge Building
We support you by providing knowledge on human rights, environmental risks and key legislation through workshops or training materials.
Supplier Management
We support you in developing sustainability criteria for procurement or in the questionnaire-based review of suppliers.
Establishing Grievance Mechanisms
Together, we define your target groups, set up the right channels and feedback processes.
Transparent Communication
We assist you in the professional documentation and communication of your progress along legal requirements from the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act or recognised sustainability reporting standards.
Impact Measurement
We measure the impacts of your human rights measures and ensure that your efforts are effective.
For the transparent communication of your progress and commitments in the area of human rights, we develop a tailored solution for you.
Stakeholder Communication
Our consulting supports you in communication and exchange with relevant stakeholders, to build trust and develop common solutions.

Get in touch with us

Matthias Poerting