Ressourcen & Kreislaufwirtschaft, Sortierungsanlage
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Resources & Circular Economy

Companies with circular business models are more successful and sustainable. Benefit from our strategy and implementation knowledge and start to convert your business processes and models to circularity now.



Understanding the Need for Action

We assist your company in understanding what circular economy means for your business model and identify the levers you have at your disposal. Through a systematic and precise evaluation, we ascertain your current standing and the potential opportunities available to you.

Understanding Legal Requirements and Regulatory Trends

We help you comprehend how relevant political and legal frameworks, goals, and trends may affect your business in the short, medium, and long term. These insights will help you prioritise the implications of meeting these circularity obligations.

Circularity Scan

We identify your circular economy potential and propose solutions for optimisation. As CTI implementation partners of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), we always work in a data-based maner using  Circularity Transition Indicators (CTI) that provide a multidimensional perspective encompassing water, energy, and company value amongst others.


Strategy Development

Together, we create a Circularity Roadmap, outlining how your business can transition towards more circular business models and how you can integrate the circular economy into your strategies, plans, and management systems.

Developing Circular Strategies and Business Models

We tailor circular economy strategies using sound lifecycle methodologies, such as transitioning to circular materials, enhancing resource efficiency, or shifting to service-based models.

Roadmap for Circularity and Resource Management

We collaboratively develop a detailed roadmap with clear milestones for the concrete implementation of your circular economy strategy.

Strategien entwickeln
Transformation gestalten

Shaping Transformation

Acting together is our motto! We support you in coaching specialised departments or providing briefings for management, for instance.

Implementing a Circularity Strategy

We ensure the successful and efficient implementation of your circularity strategy through concrete measures.

Circularity Data Management

We optimise your data management for enhanced efficiency and achieving your goals in circular value creation. For precise measurement and optimisation of your circular economy initiatives, we assist you in the integration of Circularity Transition Indicators.


Transparent Communication

How can we ensure continued improvement? How should we update our goals and action plans? We help you to evaluate and communicate the results and impacts of your circular economy measures.


Within the new European sustainability reporting framework (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)), companies are required to disclose their strategy for transitioning to a circular economy model. We prepare the information basis for precise and meaningful reporting.

Network Building for Circular Value Chains

We support your company in building strategic networks and partnerships to promote circular value chains and facilitate the exchange of best practices in the circular economy domain.

Transparent Kommunizieren



Water & Biodiversity - Why companies should specifically address it

Ecosystems worldwide are under stress - and water consumption continues to rise. Both biodiversity and access to water are essential for companies and the basis of their value creation. We help you understand your company's relationship to both issues and create a basis for action.

fish diving in circles

Water Risk Analysis

How do your business activities affect water systems? We identify potential risks such as water scarcity/pollution, floods, droughts and regulatory risks.

Biodiversity Risk Analysis

We look for sustainable solutions to bring your business into harmony with nature.

Deriving Strategic and Operational Goals for Water and Biodiversity Management

In line with your business objectives, we implement measures that contribute to biodiversity restoration and conservation.



Circular Economy
The adelphi Circularity Lab provides the scientific and conceptual foundation for strategic consulting and technical support on the way to the circular economy.


Get in touch with us

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Patrick Peter

Patrick Peter

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