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Physical Climate Risk Analysis and Adaptation Strategies
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Climate & Decarbonisation

Preparing Your Business for the Future through Adaptation

The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly evident: Rising temperatures and more frequent extreme weather events, such as heavy rainfall or droughts, disrupt operations and business processes across many industries. This affects both directly and along global supply chains. Our systematic, science-based climate risk analysis provides a crucial foundation for developing resilience in the face of these threats. We help you identify priority risks, implement adaptation measures, and future-proof your business, ensuring compliance with the CSRD and EU Taxonomy requirements.

Grünes Hochhausdach

Identifying and Assessing Physical Climate Risks

We evaluate current and future climate-related threats: For example, where are heavy rainfall events and flooding increasing? Where are prolonged dry periods and higher heat days expected? Our analysis integrates climate research data with geographic information about your locations. Next, we assess the exposure and vulnerability of operations on-site and along key supply chains. In addition to infrastructure and logistics, we also consider health risks associated with your company. Based on this fundamental risk assessment, we work with you to determine the extent of potential damage and the likelihood of risk occurrence.  


Collaboration with the adelphi Competence CentreCollaboration with the adelphi Competence Centre

Our adelphi Competence Centre “Adaptation & Vulnerability” undertakes a range of relevant projects on behalf of federal ministries, agencies, foundations, and associations. The projects highlighted here are selected examples that illustrate our expertise.


Durchführung einer robusten Klimarisiko- und Vulnerabilitätsanalyse nach EU Taxonomie - Empfehlungen für Unternehmen


Klimawirkungs- und Risikoanalyse 2021 für Deutschland


Minimising Risks and Seizing Opportunities

The climate is already changing and will increasingly impact life and business in the coming decades. This poses significant risks for many companies but also presents opportunities for solution providers: For example, drought could lead to shortages of certain agricultural products, higher summer temperatures might alter travel behaviour affecting the tourism industry, and simultaneously, there will be an increased demand for technical solutions to manage heat and heavy rainfall in the construction sector.

An adaptation strategy can help businesses safeguard and strengthen their business model against the impacts of climate change. This is also required by regulation once significant risks are identified. At the same time, we explore with you which solutions you could offer in the market.

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Christian Kind

Christian Kind

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Head of Programme – Adaptation to Climate Change (adelphi)
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Svenja Stropahl

Svenja Stropahl

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